A drama series titled, ‘In Love and Ashes’, which featured Patience Ozokwor, Sani Danja, Anita Pam, Charles Etubiebi, and other actors, will air on EbonyLife TV (DSTV channel 165) today, April 11, 2018 at 8pm.
Set in Maiduguri, North-east Nigeria, the series which was produced by Watershed Entertainment, tells a true story of forgiveness, family, love, regret, love, life, relationships, and the capacity of the human spirit to heal.
As a narrative of hope in the midst of human and moral difficulties, each season has a total of eight episodes which addresses the challenges of insurgency that has ravaged parts of North-east Nigeria.
It expresses the act of courage in times of hardship and disaster as well as the challenges that the inhabitants of the states go through because of the current situation of kidnapping and bombing.
Viewers can join in the conversation by using the hashtags #NotAnotherNigerian & #WeAreOne – this makes them eligible to take part in a draw with plenty of cash prizes to be won. Each episode can also be watched on the official ‘In Love and Ashes’ YouTube page a week after initial broadcast.